CLPS Alumni Association Committees

Committee Chair of Bar Support: Advancement arm; to work on strategies, events, outreach and other support initiatives to assist current and graduating students who wish to take the BAR.

Committee Chairman – Melissa Vargas Lopez ’17

Committee Chair of Membership: Recruiting arm; responsible for reaching out to alumni who are not members; reaching out to third-party/external events to promote the CLPS Alumni Association

Committee Chairman – Sandra Lattouf ’17

Committee Chair of Scholarship: Creation of scholarship(s) along with guidelines/requirements; Reviews scholarship applications and grants scholarship(s) to selected applicants, in partnership with Dean Kevin Marshall

Committee Chairman – Sandra Lattouf ’17

Committee Chair of Events: Social and Outreach arm; planning events with a focus on interest in membership, fundraising and community service

Committee Chairman – Linda Guzman ’17

Committee Chair of Professional Development: Development arm; internship opportunities; network opportunities; clinics; job and volunteer opportunities with relevant legal experience in partnership with Director of Student Affairs; mentorship programs; and CLE opportunities

Committee Chairman – Tony Luzuriaga ’20

Committee Chair of Internal Affairs: Compliance arm; drafting Constitution/By-Laws; oversight and enforcement of Constitution/By-Laws

Committee Chairman – Sandra Lattouf ’17

Committee Chair of Public Relations: Communications arm; marketing and advertising events; creating flyers; maintains and oversees social media accounts (including LEO CONNECT); responsible for posting on social media accounts; responsible for AA newsletter

Committee Chairman – Brenda Wong ’19